Five Ways To Introduce More Fair Trade Products Into Your Life.

Five Ways To Introduce More Fair Trade Products Into Your Life.

Thank you for the steps you have already taken toward introducing ethical products into your wardrobe! You're already making a difference for the vulnerable and the world! In order to make an even bigger impact, sometimes we just need a little education.  From materials to production, slave labor contributes to many everyday items we own. This blog is intended to provide you with some additional ways you can make an impact. 

1. Chocolate

Personally, I am a huge fan.  The cocoa industry has been exposed for it's widespread use of child slave labor, but that exposure has not stopped the exploitation of workers. When the "Fair Trade" symbol is printed on your chocolate wrapper, you can be confident that no slave labor was used. Fair Trade brands I recommend: In GR, you can go to MoKAYA, In stores and on line, I choose Endagered Species bars, Theo Organics and Divine.

To learn more about cocoa slave labor:

2. Coffee

Once again, I am a huge fan. I prepare my coffee at night so I dont waste any time getting it ready in the morning. I love it very hot with half and half and in a mug with just the right thickness at the lip... I know I am not alone in that. The coffee industry, like chocolate, has a long history of exploiting children for labor. In my quest to avoid contributing to that, I found a handful of fair trade brands that I really enjoy. My fave is the Sumatra at Aldi. A few dashes of cinnamon in the grounds and I am a happy girl. The price is amazing too- it's about half what other fair trade coffees are. I also enjoy Higher Ground, Pura Vida & Trader Joes's Sumatra.

To learn more about coffee:

3. Electronics  

The world we live in today demands that we be connected with electronics and forced labor is overwhelmingly prevalent in the world electronic industry. Child labor is common practice in not only manufacturing but mining of materials for devices. 

To learn more about slave labor in electronics:

4. Cotton  

It is in 40% of all textiles and, as a culture, we rely on it for so much! The cotton industry is known to have people enslaved at every stage, from germination, harvesting, spinning, to manufacturing the clothes. The global supply of cotton gets all mixed together, so unless you are purchasing from a fair trade or otherwise certified vendor, there is no way to be sure of where the cotton was sourced. 

To learn more about ethical cotton:

5. Palm Oil 

The palm oil industry employs 3.5 million people and has a complicated supply chain hiding its deep rooted use of slave labor. Many workers are promised high-paying work in another country, only to suffer conditions of forced labour upon arrival. Palm oil is used in products like lipstick and ice cream and is found is about 50% of common household and grocery products. 

To learn more about slave labor with palm oil:

Thank you for reading and for your commitment to making a difference by minimizing the utilization of slave labor with your purchasing choices.